柏子仁 | Platycladi Semen

👉🏼 具有补心安神作用,常用于心悸、惊悸、虚烦躁动、失眠、头晕、心阴血虚健忘、心神失养等症。用于气阴两虚,失眠,心悸,盗汗。用于心肾不和所致的心悸、心烦、失眠、健忘、遗精等,常与补肾养心、恢复心肾协调的药材合用。
【Platycladi Semen】 is the dried (inner) seed kernels of the Chinese Arborvitae, an evergreen, coniferous tree native to Northwest China that is widely cultivated as an ornamental and has long been associated with long life and vitality. The white-yellowish seeds are harvested in the autumn when they ripen. The outer seed covers are removed and the inner kernels are dried and then crushed for use as medicine.
【Platycladi Semen】 is used for the followings:
👉🏼 It has actions of tonifying heart and inducing tranquilization, so it is commonly indicated for palpitation, fearful throbbing, restlessness due to deficiency, insomnia, dizziness, amnesia due to heart yin-blood deficiency and heart-mind loss of nourishment. For restlessness due to deficiency, insomnia, fright palpitations, night sweat due to qi and yin deficiency. For palpitation, upset, insomnia, amnesia, seminal emission due to disharmony between heart and kidney, it is often combined with kidney-tonifying and heart-nourishing herbs and herbs restoring normal coordination between heart and kidney.
👉🏼 It can moisten intestines for relaxing bowels because of its moist and oily characteristics, so it is fit for intestinal dryness constipation due to deficiency of yin-blood, fluid insufficiency of old people or blood deficiency after parturition. For instance, it is often combined with intestines-moistening for relaxing bowels herbs