速宝妈【亮睛睛】&速宝儿【亮睛宝】| 明目护眼 | 养肝补气血
🤓 近视眼被列为世界三大疾病之一,但根据调查数据显示,竟然有9️⃣0️⃣%的人都不知道保护眼睛的重要性!
这不但造成精神疲惫,眼睛也默默承受很大的压力,接受的辐射也对眼睛非常不好。👀 【眼睛】作为带领着大家看向这世界美好的灵魂之窗,一个这么重要的器官,值得我们好好的去保护。
为此,食之艺调配了速宝妈【亮睛睛】和速宝儿【亮睛宝】两款可以明目护眼,养肝补气血的免煮汤袋,让大家可以透过食疗来补充眼睛所需的 营养,消除眼睛压力!
🔥 速宝妈【亮睛睛】免煮汤,采用了一系列天然,无硫磺的食材如海竹头,花旗参须,白莲子,麦冬等。气味香醇清润可口,能清肝热,排肝毒,温润不上火,常饮用可以增强视力及舒解眼睛疲劳。
🔥 速宝儿【亮睛宝】免煮汤则采用如淮山,党参,桂圆, 茯神,石斛,内仁肉等食材。主护肝清热,除了可增强眼力也可以提高身体免疫力!此外,汤里添加了红萝卜,味道清润香甜。绝对是小孩喜欢的口味。适合长时间使用电脑,手机,习惯夜睡而心情容易烦躁的小朋友哦! 😎
食之艺速宝妈【亮睛睛】和速宝儿【亮睛宝】免煮汤的特点 :
✅方便《免煮》: 不像以往传统的膳汤,需要花几个小时才能熬成一碗汤那么麻烦。我们的汤饮无需费时费力熬煮。有了【亮睛睛】和【亮睛宝】,🤩妳再也不用担心麻烦和没时间了!!
✅特选的材料:配方温和不燥。跟传统配方不一样,☕这配方的材料是经过细心的搭配。经常饮用也不用怕发热气。100%纯天然,没有硫磺 ,所以你可以100%安心使用。
👀 眼睛是我们认识世界,学习知识,相互交流的重要窗口。
Too much screen time could make you blind!
👓 Myopia is listed as one of the three major diseases in the world. However, surprisingly 9️⃣0️⃣% of people do not know the importance of eye protection!
Modern people, whether it be adults or children, can hardly live without electronic products. This could drive us to mental exhaustion as our eyes constantly deal with all the pressure and radiation.
As we know, the eyes are the window to the soul and the beautiful world is nothing to us without them. So, they are so crucial and truly deserve our care and protection.
For this reason, Food Art is introducing two no-cook healthy soup bags, Soupermum 【EyeDoCare】and Souperkid【EyeLoveEu】to improve and protecting your eyes. 🤩
🔥 Soupermum 【EyeDoCare】With a mellow and delicious taste, it nourishes the liver and keeps us healthy by detoxifying and reducing body heat. In addition, regular drinking can improve eyesight and prevent eyestrain.
🔥 Souperkid 【EyeLoveEu】is effective in mainly nourishing the liver, clearing body heat, improving eyesight and boosting immunity! Besides, carrots are added to the recipe, which makes the taste sweet refreshing. It is suitable for children who have tired eyes due to excessive screen time and easily getting irritable for staying up late every night!
👀 Eyes bring us to life and let us see the world through learning and interactions. So, take care of your eyes now!
💚 𝗚𝗼 𝗴𝗿𝗲𝗲𝗻, 𝗴𝗼 𝘃𝗲𝗴𝗲𝘁𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗮𝗻
Link: Souperkid EyeLoveU