烤蔬菜配上姜黄素!! 🤩 营养又健康的食谱 👍🏼 || Delicious grilled vegetables with Turmeric Curcumin as dressing 😍
🔥简单又美味的烤蔬菜配上营养丰富的姜黄素,这么完美的配搭,简直要你一吃就停不了囗… 😋 🤩
🥦🥔🥕🌽🥬🥦🥔🥕🌽🥬 🥗
Simple and delicious grilled vegetables with nutritious curcumin, such a perfect combination, you can't stop eating it... 😍
Hurry up and learn the recipes ‼️
🔎 Ingredients / 材料 👇🏼
Potato / 土豆
Carrot / 胡萝卜
Black Pepper / 黑胡椒
Oregano / 牛至香菜
Broccoli / 西兰花
Cherry Tomato / 小西红柿
Mushrooms / 蘑菇
Lemon / 柠檬
Turmeric Curcumin Instant Soup Pack / 姜黄素杂谷免煮浓汤
Food Art Lemon Thyme Olive Oil / 食之艺柠檬百里香橄榄油
Food Art Himalayan Rock Salt / 食之艺喜马拉雅岩盐
💚 𝗚𝗼 𝗴𝗿𝗲𝗲𝗻, 𝗴𝗼 𝘃𝗲𝗴𝗲𝘁𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗮𝗻
Link: https://foodartstore.com/products/turmericsoup