💛免费防晒美容液💛 (*SG*)


💛免费防晒美容液💛 (*SG*)


💛免费防晒美容液💛 (*SG*)


💛免费防晒美容液💛 (*SG*)


💛免费防晒美容液💛 (*SG*)


💛免费防晒美容液💛 (*SG*)


【七喝汤】7种口味绝佳的独特调配,为你带来喝汤的时尚体验 - Food Art Store








🤔怕麻烦的你,想天天喝上不一样的浓汤,到底有多难哦? 是的,不知道你是不是跟我一样,不为特定原因而喝汤。只是纯粹想喝汤,爱喝靓汤,想细细品尝汤的美味。。。

😘😋 😒问题来了,偏偏又忙又懒惰煮汤?那该怎么办? 传统的靓汤,准备功夫真的非常费时,选购材料方面又真的很麻烦!

😢 虽然说可以退而求其次,喝外面的汤,可是往往不是太油腻就是感觉放太多调味料了,不够健康!😟

❤️如果我告诉你,为自己准备一杯汤,只需3️⃣0️⃣秒的准备功夫,就可以有一整天满满的感动。你相信吗? 最重要还是你可以在任何时候,任何地方,每天品尝不一样的靚汤,这是不是很棒呢?

😍 是的,隆重为你介绍食之艺最新免煮汤饮 🌟【七喝汤】🌟 拥有7️⃣种口味绝佳的独特调配,为你带来喝汤的时尚体验。无需烹煮,简单方便之余,更保留汤饮天然原味。精选的食材,独特的调配,让你在忙碌中,轻松写意的品汤:

1️⃣壹补气 此汤味道甘香清甜,更附加了素鱼翅和虫草花以增添口感。 (内含西洋参,鹰嘴豆等。 主滋阴养血, 可增强体力。 )

2️⃣贰宁神 此汤内附加的泡参头和百合片,令味道更甘醇清香。(内含泡参及卷茯苓, 主安定心神及助眠。)

3️⃣叁养肝 此汤味道香醇可口,亦可细细咀嚼牛蒡和淮山的清香。(内含牛蒡及虫草花, 主補肝益腎及抗氧排毒。)

4️⃣肆健脾 此汤附加桂圆和发菜,令味道清香醇厚,(内含虫草花及党参, 主健脾暖肾及温中散寒。)

5️⃣伍红润 此汤附加虫草花,味道香甜令人回味。(内含全归及熟地, 主溫補氣血, 增強免疫。)

6️⃣陆壮骨 此汤附加了精选姬松茸及黑枣以增添口感,更入口香醇。(内含牛膝及女贞子, 主壮骨补膝及強壮胫骨。)

7️⃣柒活力 此汤附加了人参须和红枣,味道更浓郁甘香。(内含特级人参,主提升活力及大补元气)

❤️每天一杯滋补养生汤,七种口味,七种享受, 七种体验, 七种情怀。让每一杯汤驱动你一天的活力!




✨《New Product Recommendation~ Seven2Me Soup》✨

☕ Taking a break from work; Enjoying my favourite soups; Feeling the warmth and freshness; Savouring bittersweet life!

☕ Savouring soups by myself in my spare time and enjoying the silence and loneliness; A cup of soup filled with joy and gratitude.

🤔 Do you still remember the last time you had soup while busy with work?

🤔 Do you find it difficult and troublesome to prepare different soups every day? Hmm… I’m not sure if you’re like me, drinking soup for no specific reason. I just love drinking it for its delicious taste…

😘😋 😒Here comes the problem… What can we do when we are lazy and busy? Preparing traditional soup requires lots of time and energy, not to mention picking the right ingredients! 😢 Sometimes we might just save the hassle and drink soup from the restaurants, but they are often too oily and full of seasoning. Not really healthy for us! 😟

❤️What if I say you can enjoy soups that only take 3️⃣0️⃣ seconds to prepare? Would you believe it? The best part is that you can have different of them every day anywhere and anytime. Isn’t it awesome?

😍 Now let us introduce to you Food Art’s newest no-cook soup series 🌟【Seven2Me Soup】🌟 With a unique blend of 7️⃣ flavours, it brings you a stylish soup experience. No-cook; Easy & Convenient; Preserving the original taste of soup; Specially selected ingredients & Unique formulation. Giving you a chance to enjoy soups in your busy life.

1️⃣ ENERQI This soup is supplemented by Vegetarian Shark Fin and Cordyceps Flower to enhance its sweet taste. (Containing American Ginseng, Chickpea, etc. – Replenishing the Qi & Nourishing the Blood)

2️⃣ TRANQUILME This soup’s sweet and mellow taste is flavoured with the American Ginseng Panax Head and Lily slices. (Containing American Ginseng Panax and Poria – Clearing body heat and Mind-calming)

3️⃣ LIVERYOUNG This delicious soup gives you the fresh taste of Burdock and Chinese Yam. (Containing Burdock & Cordyceps Flower – Nourishing the Liver & Kidney and Detoxifying)

4️⃣ SPLEENDYNAMI This soup’s rich and mellow taste is flavoured with dried logans and fat choy. (Containing Cordyceps Flower & Codonopsis– Strengthening the Spleen & Warming the body)

5️⃣ TONICFINE This soup is flavoured with Cordyceps Flowers for a sweet aftertaste. (Containing Angelica & Rehmannia – Nourishing the Blood and Boosting Immunity)

6️⃣ EASYBONE This soup is supplemented with a selection of Premium Agaricus Blazei and Black Dates to enhance the taste. (Containing Achyranthes & Ligustrum – Strengthening Bones, Joints and Tibia)

7️⃣ VITALITI This soup’s rich and mellow taste is flavoured with the Premium Ginseng Beard and Yu Zhu. (Containing Premium Ginseng – Improve Vitality and Lung Moistening )

❤️ 7 flavours along with 7 taste sensations. Bringing you warmth and happiness every day. Enjoying the soups that will fuel your day.

❤️ This is the moment we dedicate our time to savouring the taste of life. Making your day by filling you with joy and gratitude.

❤️ Seven2me, My soup, My life.


💚 𝗚𝗼 𝗴𝗿𝗲𝗲𝗻, 𝗴𝗼 𝘃𝗲𝗴𝗲𝘁𝗮𝗿𝗶𝗮𝗻 

Link: Seven2Me 七喝汤

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